In Series/ 1, a diskette supplied by IBM or created by the$ DA SDI utility. 在IBMSeries/1中,一种由IBM提供或用$DASDI公用程序建立的软盘。
In an IBM personal computer, the directory that is created when the user formats a disk or diskette, it may contain subdirectories. 在IBM个人计算机中,当用户格式化硬盘或软盘时建立的一种目录,它可能包含许多子目录。
Recently, when studying the single Chip computer 8098 controlled floopy diskette driver, the author studies IBM PC/ XT floopy diskette controller ( FDC) interfacecard carefully. 在研制开发8098单片机接软磁盘驱动器的电路中,对IBMPc/XT机的磁盘驱动器接口卡做了仔细研究。